Hurricane Matthew
Knocks Down Oak Tree at
First United Methodist Church

Pastor Rusty Belcher got the call from a neighbor on Lakeview Avenue that she had heard a loud crash near the church. She ran outside to find that the large oak tree in front of the church had split in two and had crashed to the ground.


Luckily most of the tree had fallen to the ground, but some of the branches had hit the roof which caused some damage. The tree did not hit the large stained glass window in front of the church which was a relief to everyone

There were immediate offers of help from friends and church members to repair the damage, but Pastor Rusty knew it would be a larger job than most could handle so he called contractors to work on the roof, and the city offered to take care of removing the tree from the ground. 

Several people stopped by to say hello to the pastor and to take photos of the massive tree laying in front of the church.  All were given an invite to this Sunday’s' church service which had already been called "Hurricane Sunday"!

First United Methodist Church
125 North Lakeview Ave., Winter Garden, FL 34787
Church website:   Phone: 407-656-1135

Postcard of the First United Methodist Church
from the early 1960's just before the oak tree was planted.

Hurricane Matthew Knocks Down Oak Tree at First United Methodist Church, Pastor Rusty, Rusty Belcher, Russell Belcher, FUMC, Lakeview Avenue, Winter Garden

Video of Fallen Tree

More Photos

Pastor Rusty Belcher
waving to passers-by

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